Thursday, May 19, 2011


Things I love about America:
-I feel pretty safe
-We have a stable government
-I can drive whenever i want, wherever i want.
-coffee creamer. and iced coffee
-my cell phone kinda...I forget about it sometimes and enjoyed not having it control my life for a few months.
-working out. Zumba in real life (with middle-aged women on week day nights)
-I really missed the Asian and Hispanic population.oh and of course Mexican food. YUM.
oh and how could i forget my beautiful roommates. and sister.

Things that confuse me:
-which side of the road do cars drive?? and which way do i look first before i cross the road.
-what does it mean to be on time?
-espresso hurts my stomach now..I will have to start drinking it slowly again.
-How fast 2 $ taco Tuesdays tequila shots hit you.
-umm how almost all my friends are graduated?...what the??
-why is gas so expensive....and whats wrong with Arnold Schwarzenegger?
-why are California drivers so mean?
oh and answering the question.."How was South Africa??" am i supposed to answer this??

Things I miss about South Africa:
-The Rastsfarians
-My wonderful friends who I would hang out with everyday. wake up together. meals together. and sleep together. have fun and suffer together. hah
-The statement "WHERE ARE WE?"

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