Thursday, January 20, 2011

1st Day I South Africa

So here I am awake at 2:30 am in the hotel. So me and my roommate decided to get our internet fix in, of course. We cant go back to sleep, probably because the flight was SOOOO long. I'm so confused. where am I? and what time is it?
So far the only interaction I had with anyone from South Africa was on the plane. They basically think we as a Americans are ignorant. I would kind of have to agree, but he didn't have to tell us..
oh also they have been giving us rands (which is the South African money) and I'm having a problem actually believing its money..thats probably not good.

anyways, heres a pic for you all. Me and Leslie are tired but not really. dont mind my lazy eye

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Katelyn your going to have such a good time.. I cant wait to read all about it! I love and miss you! -Coral