Saturday, January 29, 2011

The shade of the chickens

My professor says that the "shade of the chickens" is the south african lingo for dagga or weed. Its everywhere I guess because the seeds just fall and it grows. so casual compared to the US. She took us to her farm and heres a picture of what we saw on the way. overlooking pietermaritzburg. beautiful. mostly sugar cane farms. YUM.

This is some of the "informal housing", which basically means people find land and make their own houses. I snuck a quick picture when no one was around. This one is literally made out of mud and sticks. The others were metal sheets and tarp. me and Kayla walked through the street, which wasn't really a street at all. it was more of a dirt path full of garbage. clothes hanging everywhere and emaciated dogs running around. It was crazy to really experience how some peole live. I think they knew we didnt belong, probably because of the scrubs..or the fact that we were white. i wanted to take more pictures but i couldnt. i was already intruding on their homes. cant even begin to imagine what that is like.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

wow katelyn. your so fortunate to see all of these beautiful places. and to help people who need your knowledge and skills so much.

ps. what do you mean weed?