Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Girl Talk

Us nurses got to do a teaching project in the schools yesterday. Each group got a different topic. ours was menstruation of course. So we made these beautiful posters. One poster was of a uterus and the other...well you can see what that is. I used glitter for the blood. obviously. So me and Callee were on a mission to empower these young girls. We explained the anatomy and why we have a period and everything that goes along with it. After we had them ask anonymous questions..Some were sad. and some were just plain are some we got:
-Do babies come from my anus?
- When we have puberty, does it make us have feelings for boys?
-Why do girls have 3 holes and boys have 1?
-Why do girls have pregnancy and boys dont?
These girls were all ages 13-15. and after all the questions about "sleeping with a boy". We realized quickly they were all having sex already soo we really quickly added information about STI's and birth control.
There were a few questions asking if it was healthy to prevent pregnancy..lets just say we were adamant about encouraging the use of condoms.
Anyway the day ended with hugs, smiles and laughter.
Hopefully we could make them a little bit aware of themselves

1 comment:

Mary said...

you go girl! proud of what you're doing!