Sunday, February 6, 2011

Sister Zuma

This is her trying to make me pronounce zulu..she laughed at me a lot..along with the patients

Sister is what people call nurses here. and I got to work with sister Eugena Zuma. She taught me a lot about Zulu culture and the patients of course. Again every single patient was HIV positive here and on ARV's (HIV medication). Its sad that i almost get used to the HIV here..that was until a beautiful 9 year old boy came in with it. Uhh with his little levi jeans and argyle shirt..he probably didnt understand why he was always in the doctors and had to take so many pills everyday. One day his mom will have to explain that to him..
Another middle aged woman came in with a high CD4 count who was on regime 2 medication ( meaning regime 1 failed), this was her last chance at getting better. But since her boyfriend wouldnt wear condoms she kept getting reinfected. She had no power like all of the women we see. I just dont understand it. I just want to say stand up to him! but it isnt the same as the U.S.

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