Thursday, February 10, 2011

ok soo this week I was at ethinbeti( a HIV clinic) and it was definitely a shock to my system. I went along on multiple home visits with a nurse the first day. The things I saw make me feel sick. Patients laying on a bed with flies all around them. They are all HIV positive and seem soo lonely. One woman who was just diagnosed was so weak she couldnt even get up. and in a house with four other people. Just laying there all day and too ashamned to tell her family, so she stays with her sister who is also HIV positive.Every single one of them are jobless and have no income. but have grants for their children.. 250 rand per month (about 35 dollars). A bubbly, happy zulu woman came along and read the bible to each of these women. trying to bring hope. In between the english zulu language, I learned that she herself was HIV positive. I was so suprised. She had so much hope and love in her heart that she made visits to these patients, bringing them encouragement because she like them has been in that exact place before.
One thing I dont a girl like the one in the picture can be born here and grow up learning she has no power and probably have no chance. while I as an american is born with an education and respected as a woman. What if I were born here in a zulu culture? Goshh its so overwhelming to see death everyday

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